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Mediation Fees

Judy West Balances Time Money and Quality to Meet Mediation Clients Needs

Balance Time, Money, & Quality



Mediator Hourly Rate: $275 joint pay / $140 per party

when paying separately

Session Fee: $550 per 2 hour session.

Mediator time in between sessions

billed in 15 minute increments:

  • phone calls, email, drafting

  • other activities requested by the parties. 

Complete Divorce: The following goals per session are generally achievable when parties come prepared. Some overlap may occur within mediation sessions:

With Children:  4 - 5 sessions   = $2,750 - $3,000 Average

  1. Organize Case: Gather basic information about the family (Legal names of parties and children, contact information, employment and earnings, assets, debts, special considerations. Identify required documentation to be gathered prior to the next session.

  2. Sworn Financial Statements and Schedules for each spouse (due 42 days after filing Petition)

  3. Maintenance Negotiation and Agreements

  4. Parenting Plan Development & Child Support Calculations

  5. Finalize MOU: Edit and approve all agreements contained in the Memorandum of Understanding

Without Children: 3 - 4 sessions = $2,200 - $2,500 Average

  1. Organize Case: Gather basic information about the family - Legal names of parties and children, contact information, employment and earnings, assets, debts, special considerations. Identify required documentation to be gathered prior to the next session.

  2. Sworn Financial Statements and Schedules for each spouse (due 42 days after filing Petition)

  3. Maintenance Negotiation and Agreements

  4. Finalize MOU: Edit and approve all agreements contained in the Memorandum of Understanding

Plan on Extra Time in Mediation:

  • ​Family Owned Business  

  • Real Estate Holdings over and above marital home 

  • Failure to prepare for mediation can result in additional sessions. Documentation for financials is critical to completing the Sworn Financial Statements. Accurate calculations for Maintenance and Child Support depend on accurate financial data. A follow-up email is generally sent at the end of each session with homework items to be completed in between sessions. 

Colorado Family Domestic Relations Filing Fees paid by the parties directly to the Court: 

  • $260 File a Petition for Divorce or Legal Separation

  • $146 Response Fee is required from the person who responded to the case if not jointly filed.

  • E-Filing is available for a fee

Parenting Class: All parties with minor children who are seeking a divorce, legal separation, or allocation of parental responsibilities in Colorado must attend a court-approved parenting class. Class listings are by county:

Cost Comparison: Mediation v. Litigation with Attorneys

The cost of mediation is a fraction of the cost of a litigated divorce using attorneys. Martindale-Nolo Research shows the average cost of an attorney driven process per party in 2019 was $11,300 and the median was $7,000; and legal fees tend to rise. Colorado courts routinely order mediation in divorce and legal separation, whether the parties are represented by attorneys or pro se (representing themselves).

Judy West has assisted hundreds of families restructure through divorce, saving time and money. After serving 20 years as a family and divorce mediator, her results are impressive. Her clients routinely report back, upon filing their cases court facilitators and judges alike have remarked their case file is complete and well-organized. Mediated cases are often completed by the time of the Initial Status Conference (42 days) or soon thereafter, depending on the parties' willingness to complete assigned tasks in between mediation sessions. Mediation clients can save thousands of dollars in legal fees when compared to a typical divorce managed through lawyers.


Judy welcomes the opportunity to serve you. Call or text 303-864-9674 to schedule a 30 minute free consultation.​

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