Mediation Matters
Quality Resolutions when Budgets Matter
Mediation is a superior, comprehensive approach to addressing all areas of a pro se divorce**. Both spouses have a voice in creating an agreement that works, which increases compliance with its terms and conditions, and provides a greater degree of satisfaction when the negotiation process is complete. Restructuring families benefit from a professionally mediated divorce settlement that can withstand the test of time.
Mediation is a confidential way to explore all possible options when planning to exit a marriage or domestic partnership. It allows ex’s to retain control over private family matters. When couples are able to agree, they eliminate the need for the court to impose standardized decisions that may not work in your particular family dynamic.
Litigation tends to heighten conflicts between ex-partners, rather than bringing them together in a productive, problem-solving conversation. After an adversarial litigation begins, it is difficult for parties in divorce to influence or predict the outcome. Relationships between parents, their children and extended family members are greatly impacted by court decisions, splitting parenting time and financial resources, potentially against the priorities of both parties. Litigation comes with unlimited costs for uncertain outcomes, battled out in the court’s coliseum.
In contrast, mediation can greatly reduce the costs of divorce, provide a fair financial marital settlement, and create parenting plans that work for all members of a particular family.
**"Pro se" is a Latin phrase that means "on one's own behalf". It refers to someone who represents themselves in court without the help of a lawyer. A recent study showed that 66% of the domestic relations cases filed Colorado during the fiscal year 2023 had no attorney on the case, meaning that every party involved was pro se. Source
Mediation Matters assists DIY / Do It Yourself divorcing couples complete their divorce requirements inexpensively. Martindale-Nolo Research shows the average cost of an attorney driven process per party in 2019 was $11,300 and the median was $7,000.
Couples with children can expect an average $2,750 - $3,000 to mediate a typical divorce from start to finish. This is about $1,500 per spouse, a fraction of the cost of litigation. Couples without children spend an average of $2,200 - $2,500 Average. See Mediation Fees
Mediate the division of debts and assets, including the marital home, credit cards, retirement accounts, and investments.
Mediation can be used to divide real estate holdings beyond the marital residence and to address family-owned businesses.
Mediate Parenting Plans that work for your family members:
Parenting schedules
Ordinary expenses
Extraordinary expense sharing
College expenses (optional)
Child Support is determined in mediation using the same calculation software as the Colorado Courts. The correct Colorado Child Support Worksheet is determined and prepared in a manner suitable for filing with the court prior to your final hearing.
Maintenance, commonly called alimony, is determined in mediation using the Colorado Maintenance Guideline.
Modifications to an existing court order are commonly negotiated in mediation to adjust child support, parenting plans, resolve financial disputes, and other post-divorce disputed matters.
All required Colorado Court-approved forms are prepared by the mediator in a pro se, non-contested divorce.
Mediation Services by Judy West
Mediation Matters LLC offers family and divorce mediation services exclusively through Judy West. We specialize in helping pro se parties, those who need support in Do It Yourself / DIY divorce. Mediation saves money, costing a fraction of what is typically paid in retainers and retainer replenishments during the life cycle of a typical divorce case in Colorado. Colorado Judicial Branch Cases and Parties without Attorney Representation in Civil Cases Fiscal Year 2023
Judy is a non-attorney mediator. Education and Employment listed here.